What We Do
We exist to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
Who We Are
Jesus is Center
We are about a relationship with Jesus, not a religion.
We believe the whole universe is from Jesus, about Jesus, and for Jesus (Colossians 1:15-18.) Everything in the universe makes sense only when Jesus is center. We believe that our lives make sense in a radical, transformative relationship with Jesus, not religion. Religion says, “God accepts the good people.” Christianity says no one can be good enough through religious practice to gain God’s acceptance. Christianity says that we are reconnected with the God who made us through a relationship with Jesus. So, we orbit around Jesus.
Everyone Matters
We believe everyone matters because everyone matters to God.
EVERYONE is created in God’s image and therefore all people have inherent value (Genesis 1:27). Likewise, Jesus was considered, “a friend of sinners.” He made the religious people of his day uncomfortable because of his association with broken people seeking his help. Jesus said the perfect place for a broken, hurting world was with Him. So, we believe the church is a hospital for the broken and hurting seeking God. We are a church that believes that church is the perfect place for imperfect people.
Authenticity is Powerful
We are a place where it’s ok to not be ok.
God has a plan for everyone. (1Peter 1:22). We believe the only way to grow closer to God is to live out our faith with authenticity. Many times, people feel as though pursuing a relationship with Jesus means we wear a mask and fake our way through hurts, habits and hang-ups. This leads us to struggle in secret because we pretend we are ok at church. At Bannockburn, we are a place where, “it’s ok to not be ok.” We believe the only way to getting help, hope and healing is through experiencing encouragement and love when we are living out our faith together with authenticity.
Transformation is Possible
We believe anyone can change because all things are possible with God.
Change is necessary and available for everyone, everywhere (Romans 12:2). God is in the business of changing us through supernatural power. No one has to stay where they are. No one is too far gone for God. No matter how far we have gone, we can experience life change because all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26). We are a place where everyone is in process in a relationship with God who gives us power to “put off our old self” and to be “renewed in the spirit of our minds” (Ephesians 4:22-23.)
Everyone is Needed
We are contributors, not consumers.
We believe that every believer has something to contribute to the life-changing work of God in the world (Romans 12:4-5). Every believer has gifts, talents, abilities and experiences that they can contribute. God has given every person something that contributes to the whole work of God. When we all contribute to the service of God, our impact on the world is limitless.
Methods are Flexible
We share timeless truths of the Gospel in an ever changing culture.
We believe we share the unchanging truth of God’s Word with a changing world and that Christianity is incredibly flexible when it comes to contextualization culturally (1 Corinthians. 9:19-23). While the Truths of the God’s Word do not change, as a church, we must be students of our culture to be effective in sharing God’s Truth in our culture.
Multiplication is Vital
We gain by losing and grow through planting.
We believe that the core reason for our existence is to fulfill the mission of Jesus in the world. We fulfill his mission by making disciples through planting campuses locally and planting churches nationally and internationally where the Gospel is needed most. We believe that we gain by losing and grow through planting (Acts 9:31).