Scholarships are available. Contact Susan Prichett for more details and to apply, susan.prichett@gmail.com
The Colson Fellowship @ Bannockburn
Most of our Bible study throughout our Christian lives focuses on understanding God and learning how to live in right relationship to Him, ourselves, and each other—and this is certainly vital to our spiritual growth. However, the Bible also teaches us how to live in right relationship to every aspect of God’s creation, which includes society, culture, art, economics, education, and politics just to name a few. Furthermore, the Bible helps us understand how to properly order (or re-order) the fallen world as we join Christ in his work of restoring all things. This is where a “Christian worldview” proves vital.
Ours is a world where the “powers and principalities” are actively working to dis-order God’s good creation in areas such as marriage, family, human sexuality, and personhood to name a few. As disciples of Christ, we cannot truly love our neighbors and remain indifferent to ideas and actions that do harm to people and God’s creation. The fact is, “ideas have consequences and bad ideas have victims.” Because we care about the victims of “bad ideas,” we are pleased to partner with the Colson Center for Christian Worldview in bringing the Colson Fellows Program to Bannockburn.
The Colson Fellows Program is a transformational course that compresses a lifetime of Christian wisdom…into nine months. This program will establish a solid foundation for those who are new to the study of Christian worldview, and for those who are well-versed in Christian worldview and apologetics; you will gain new insights into today’s rapidly changing culture. Colson Fellows-in-Training go beyond understanding worldview as mere arguments and facts, and develop instead, the critical thinking skills or wisdom to discern what is or is not true, good and beautiful in every issue that assails us today so they can understand the times and engage others thoughtfully and with grace.
Program Overview: Beginning each August, Colson Fellows-in-Training follow a carefully curated curriculum that helps them understand and identify worldviews and how they manifest in today’s ideas, philosophies, policies and practice. You will learn how to analyze and understand culture and its influence. Additionally, we will examine current cultural flashpoints such as race relations, progressive sexuality, religious liberty, the role of government, economics, and sanctity of life to name a few. Finally, Colson Fellows-in-Training will examine the concept of “calling” and develop a “Personal Ministry Plan” that will help them discover their calling, identify their unique gifts and sphere of influence.
Other features of the Program include:
· 24/7/365 access to the Colson Fellows Online Learning Platform;
· Monthly Meetings facilitated by Susan Prichett and bi-monthly meetings by Jaime Ryskoski.
· Twice-Monthly Video Webinars in which you are able to interact with authors from the reading list and other leading worldview scholars;
· Interactive daily devotionals that weave together all course components;
· Assistance developing a teaching practicum in which you will teach on a topic you’ve learned;
· StrengthsFinder assessment;
· Lifetime access to Colson Center resources and ongoing worldview education;
· Inclusion into a network of over 3500 Colson Fellows working across the globe in various spheres of Christian ministry.
· Typically, participants in the Colson Fellows Program pay $900.
· Through an exclusive Licensing Agreement with the Colson Center, Bannockburn members only pay $550 in tuition.
· Participants will need to purchase books from a source of their choice such as Amazon. Estimated book costs are an additional $200.
· Registrations closes July 31, 2025
· Online access to the course opens August 1, 2025
· Coffee, breakfast, snacks and lunch will be provided for the Saturday meetings
· Students completing the Program will be commissioned in May 2026.
Saturday Monthly Meetings open for all three campuses:
– Located at the S. Austin campus, Abington Bld Rm 306-307 from 9:00-12:00 PM.
– Saturday meeting dates are: Aug 23, orientation; Sep 6; Oct 4; Nov 1; Dec 6; Jan 10 ; Feb 7; Mar 7; Apr 11; May 2 (First Saturday of each month with the exception of Jan and Apr.)
– Required attendance 8 of 10 meetings to be commissioned.
Wednesday Monthly Meetings open for all three campuses:
– Located at the Dripping Springs campus from 6:30-8:00 PM.
– Aug 6 (orientation), Aug 27; Sep 3, 24; Oct 1, 29; Nov 5, 19, Dec 3, 10 , Jan 7, 28, Feb 4, 25, Mar 4, 25, Apr 1, 29, May 6 (Frist and last Wednesday of each month with the exception of Nov, 19, Dec 10.)
– Required attendance 15 of 19 meetings to be commissioned.